The Most

Effective Way To Calm Your Mind

Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.

Discover how to find your inner TRUTH so you can have FREEDOM to live out the PURPOSE that you were put on Earth for!

Find your life's purpose and enjoy your personal journey to business success.

We Can Make You Be More Focus And Relaxed

Lorem ipsum To make it easier for those of you who want to try it at home, here we present a video guide to improve your mental health

Hatha Yoga

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware of

the present moment can help us enjoy

the world around us

Aerial Yoga

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware of

the present moment can help us enjoy

the world around us

Bikram Yoga

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware of

the present moment can help us enjoy

the world around us

If you are reading this, we already know something about you.

You are driven and have a vision for your future, and you are willing to learn what you don't know. Trying to build something big, especially in the business world, can be an overwhelming  journey full of unknowns. Let's come together and strategize to get on the right track to become the successful entrepreneurs we were put here to be.

You were born to live your authentic life. The life that is in alignment with your highest self, your true self. And when you live that authentic life, you will create true wealth in all aspects of your life. This happens through living your purpose.

As any business owner knows, strategy and processes are essential for driving growth. Some of the tools include a clear marketing plan, a well-designed website, an effective social media strategy, and SOP's to propel your business forward.

True wealth is not just financial wealth. It is also creating a life you love – a life that feels good, a life that lights you up. It is having relationships that are supportive and loving. It is having good health and vitality. Let's dive in together one on one!

Soulpreneurs' Program Includes...


Let's Do Meditation To Calm Your Mind With Us

Lorem ipsum One of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go, and one way is to do meditation to calm yourself Services that provide professional mental health, we have been in the field for more than 10 years one of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go

We work from the inside out.

As any coach will tell you, it's not just enough to have a great product or service - you also need to have a marketing strategy that effectively communicates your value to potential customers. But before you can start working on your social media strategy or website design, you need to get clear on your why. What is your purpose? Why do you do what you do? Once you have a strong understanding of your why, you can start to identify any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving success. Only then can you begin to develop a marketing and business strategy that is in alignment with your purpose. With a clear understanding of your why, you will be able to create a marketing strategy that truly resonates with your target audience - and that's when the real magic happens.

Come Join Us And Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Join our community that cares about mental health to increase productivity to work more good

Join Us in the Awakening of your Soul's Purpose!

We all want to be authentic and live our lives emanating from our true selves, but sometimes it can be difficult to stay connected to our highest selves amidst the chaos of the outer world. It’s easy to get caught up and forget what we’re really here for. However, it’s important to remember that we have control over how much our inner world is affected by the outer world. We can choose to let external influences determine how we feel, or we can stay centered in our authentic selves and live our lives according to our highest purpose. When we do the latter, we can weather any storm and maintain our inner peace regardless of what’s happening around us.



One Hour Per Month


per month

Includes one hour per month on zoom group coaching call. We discuss all of the topics that might be holding us back from reaching our full potential.

  • Workbook

  • Community

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Access to Retreats

  • Resource Library

  • Accountability



Two Hours Per Month


per month

Includes one hour per month on zoom group coaching call. We discuss all of the topics that are going to propel us forward in our businesses including marketing, social media, email, reputation management, etc.

  • Workbook

  • Community

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Access to Retreats

  • Resource Library

  • Accountability



4 Hours Per Month


per month for 12 months

Includes everything in previous two categories plus individual coaching with a full minimum 20 page workbook for action and discussion. Will finish 12 coaching sessions with a full *DIY brand.

  • Full Workbook

  • Facebook Community

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Access to Retreats

  • Resource Library

  • Accountability

  • One on One Coaching

  • Branding and Website Course Access



6 Hours Per Month


per month for 12 months

Includes everything in previous two categories plus 1 hour per month individual coaching with a full minimum 20 page workbook for action and discussion. Will finish 12 coaching sessions with a full *DFY brand.

  • Full Workbook

  • Facebook Community

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Access to Retreats

  • Resource Library

  • Accountability

  • One on One Coaching

  • Logo Design

  • Landing Page

  • Branded Content

  • Social Media Strategy

  • Funnel Automation (5 Step)

  • Access to Web Worx 3.0 Software

Accommodate Those Who Need Mental Health

We have developed this community into a service that can help someone to improve their mental health

25+ Activities

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware

of the present moment can help us

enjoy the world around us

1000+ Member

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware

of the present moment can help us

enjoy the world around us

100+ Content

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware

of the present moment can help us

enjoy the world around us

Feel the relaxing Sensation

Private group

Join us as a member of a private group that will practice every week and feel the benefits.

Pleasant situation

A pleasant atmosphere makes you enjoy doing yoga and focus on doing it.

Adequate tools

A pleasant atmosphere makes you enjoy doing yoga and focus on doing it.

"The group coaching has been great. I really helps me bring my passion and work together to move me forward. I find that when I am growing personally, my business naturally follows. I love surrounding myself with like minded entrepreneurs  who are committed to growth. It inspires me to continue on my journey of healing and development. Tricia is a passionate and humble leader in this Soulprenuers movement."


Jesseca McClaskey

"Soulpreneurs is the connecting piece between heart work and business drive. Tricia puts together trainings and speakers that help you recognize how you became the person you are in order to help you create the business you want."


Amy Crowe

""As a business owner, I can confidently say that finding the right supportive community can make all the difference in your success and happiness. The Soulpreneurs' Collective has proven to be an authentic group of people who are willing to open up and have the hard conversations surrounding success in business, relationships and life. Tricia is generously vulnerable about her own experiences and promotes an environment of honesty, trust and integrity. The varied content is always insightful and comes with real world application and action steps. This group has been a blessing to me personally and professionally, and I would encourage any entrepreneur to join! Thank you, Tricia for leading by example and creating a space where soulpreneurs feel supported." 


Corey Brown


How do I set up an appointment to further discuss?

Send me a quick text 816-866-1029 or schedule here.

Who is a Soulpreneur?

A Soulpreneur believes in a business as an extension of him/her ‘self’. He/she not only redefines success in his/her own terms but also creates businesses that embody gratitude, contentment and true fulfillment. A soulpreneur reckons the power of a business to touch the lives of others, and in her capacity to create a positive influence in an otherwise increasingly hostile world. He/she knows that only authenticity is the way for abundance, and it is through the connection of the body, soul and business that she can find her true meaning of life.

Why is Soulpreneurs' Collective the right space for you?

The Soulpreneur’s Collective is a holistic pace for like minded individuals who run their business with a vision and believe in its transformative powers. They lead people by example and kindness and know they can make an impact in the world. It is the perfect space for  people who believe in sharing their failures and success, strengths and weaknesses and advice to grow with others. 

How will Soulpreneurs' Collective help you achieve your goals?

The Soulpreneur’s Collective will help you align with your true self and lead you to a path of self discovery and true wealth. It helps you achieve it holistically through its own Wheel of Life which looks at all the aspects of your life including relationships, spirituality, business strategies like marketing plans, well-designed websites and SOPs to not only help you set up your business but also expand it. It is the perfect space to feel connected to a community of similar soulpreneurs and share your experiences to live a life you love. 

Who will Coach you?

Tricia is the soul behind Soulpreneur’s Collective. She is a single mother of three children who owns a web-design service, runs a magazine, designs workbooks and is now running the Soulprenuer’s Collective. She went through her own journey of self-healing and spiritual growth and believes the journey never really ends. True growth happens when you are disciplined and stick with the habits that make you the best version of yourself. She believes a holistic and a purposeful life is only complete by helping others achieve the same. Through this she has realized that her true calling is to help entrepreneurs thrive through all avenues of life from the inside out. In the Collective meetings we also have guest presenters on certain topics.

Do you offer one-on-one coaching? 

Tricia offers one-on-one coaching and guides you on how to create true wealth by achieving your true self. She will not only help you solve your inner problems but also help you develop your business plans with personalized strategies that speak your vision. The limiting beliefs that may have been holding you back will no longer be a part of your life. For one-on-one coaching there is a 12 session requirement. This can be as often as you would like. 

Is it an online platform? Where will the meetings take place? 

Yes. The Soulpreneur’s Collective is an online platform. You can set up a meeting with Tricia and you will develop a schedule together.

I don’t have a business yet. Is Soulpreneurs' Collective for me? 

The Soulpreneur’s Collective does not only bring existing soulpreneurs together but also aspiring soulpreneurs.  If you have a business idea and a strong desire to lead a holistic life of a soulpreneur then the Soulprenuer’s Collective is the right place for you.

Can you help me start my own business?

With the one-on one-coaching we will provide all of the tools that you will need to start your business.

I AM Tricia Keightley

Mission, Message, Purpose

"I'm on a mission of changing the world by guiding people to live their Truth. I'm inspired to see people become the exception and lead exceptional lives. I dedicate myself to ensure that entrepreneurs are on their way to financial freedom. I am committed to researching and creating a path to this awakening. When I consider what makes me unique: It's undoubtedly my passion and drive. I'm invested in my growth on a soul level and I am still mastering financial freedom. Everyday I wake up for work excited to guide people to live their Truth and do what I do best: which is soul searching. I invite you to live in alignment with your Truth and dive deeper into chasing your passion and living your purpose."

My Why

"To have control over my life and not let the outer world affect my inner peace. The true awakening the soul."

Satisfaction Guarantee

You can cancel anytime! We want to provide the best quality service for everyone and it be beneficial so you don't need worry about any hidden fees. If your not satisfied, let us know and we'll work towards fulfilling all of those needs with ease of mind knowing that there's nothing at stake but our customers' satisfaction.

DIY = Do It Yourself with our guidance | *DFY = Done For You by our team

What clients say about us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Leatrice Handler

Acme Co.

Come Join Us And Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Join our community that cares about mental health to increase productivity to work more good

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